Venue: Mamak Nurin
Time: probably around 10.00p.m - 4.00a.m
Well, i can say it was a boringgg day yesterday, without any activities to do, then i decided to go Nurin (mamak stall in other word), actually i didn't plan on goin there actually, bcoz tired of jogg and workout in the evening, geezz (-.-)
Then, i realized my friend texted me, he said he wanted to "lepak2", bcoz tomorrow's his dayoff, then without thinkin much, i decided to join "the party", HAHAHA !!
After gettin ready and all stuff, i texted my other friend to pick me up, felt soo lucky he also wanna join "lepak". As we arrived there, as usual, we're gonna be the fisrt person who came besides my other fellas, duhhh !! Then we ordered our drinks, as usual, mine was nescafe' O and plain water (those was my fav when at mamak durin the night, HEHE!!)
Later, after the drinks arrived, we decided to play cards (is important thing when you 'lepak' at mamak so that you won't get too bored), guess what, at first we played blackjack (your cards need to be in between 16 - 21, but not more than 5 cards) as usual, first time winning ofcourse lah me kan, HAHA ! Then, after several game, i decided to play "kencingg" game, the game is not what you fellas thinkin, sape kalah kene kencing sume, itu tipulah kan, HAHAHA, the game much more like "bluffing", (those who play cards probably know bout it, HEHEHE !)
After 30mins passed, my other fellas came, then had a longg conversation among us, but i felt that somethin is missing actually, i guess it was Mel, he's a friend of us, too bad he has flewn away to Sandakan, Sabah for his PLKN thingin, haiihhh, we missed you MEL (-.-)
Then, after quite longg chit-chat, one friend of mine start to freak us out, and it was like;
HIM: aaaarghhhh !!!! shit, ade ulat doee !!
ME: geezz, WTH, mane2 ??
HIM: tuuu, td dia hinggap kt kaki aku, gile doee...!!
ME: HAHA, eyhh, tu bkan beluncas ke ??
HIM: aha, yela tuu kot, geli siall, aku rase mesti dia dah 'pengsan' aku jentik dia td...
MY OTHER FRIEND: HAHA, agak laa, xgerak aku tgk, (moving the 'thingin' with the fork)
* then we ended up laughin non stop after the incident, hahaha, LOL ! *
After few hours passed, the time that we had waitin for just started (the matched between Barca vs. Arsenal)
Geezz, i must say, it was a thrilling matched ever seen before, Arsenal start to lead 0-1 behalf on 1st half session, then a few mins later, Barca started to catch up 1-1, goaled by Messi, DAMNN, he's really good on controllin the ball..
Then, around minutes 30, the leading points are on Barca 2-1, forgot the name of the scorer (-.-)later, the last minutes before the 1st half over, Barca gained another goal by Messi again, i must say, he's too energetic and skillful player in the field, sometimes i always think that Messi reassembles Maradonna, as you know, he's the legendary player, most likely known as 'the Hand of God', im not so sure with the nickname, correct me if im wrong :)
After the referee starts to whistle, confirming the 1st half is over, i can see the happiness from Barca players, and Barca leads 3-1 for the 1st half.
For the next 2nd half, i can't say much about it, it seems that the matched startin to slow down, maybe of tiredness i guess, HAHAHA, but except for Messi, he managed to score another goal for his club, Barca, and that was the winning score for the club as Barca leads 4-1 against Arsenal, all much i can say that was the enjoying matched to watch, seriously, HAHAHA :D

As the matched is over, and the clock start tickin, we went back home, as usual, my fellas gaves me a ride home, by walking (-.-)
On the way home, we are facin with the street dogs, geeezz, it was around 3 to 4 dogs i guess, i was like, " DARNNN IT....!"
Guess what, the dogs are tryin to chase us, and we're like freaking out, and just ran away along the road, the funny thing is, we ran much more faster than before, even my other friend who ride on a bike also we can catch up, HAHAHA !!! What a funny lil' thing...
Geezz, we're kinda wastin our time there waitin when the time is clear with no dogs, we started to rush out and went to the safe road, DAMNN DOGSS !!
Guess what, the dogs are tryin to chase us, and we're like freaking out, and just ran away along the road, the funny thing is, we ran much more faster than before, even my other friend who ride on a bike also we can catch up, HAHAHA !!! What a funny lil' thing...
Geezz, we're kinda wastin our time there waitin when the time is clear with no dogs, we started to rush out and went to the safe road, DAMNN DOGSS !!
Bullshit is all i can say bout lastnight, chased by dogs, it was wayy toooo exhausting lastnight, gahhh !!
Then after reachin half way to my house, i decided to let my friends sending me until here, pity for them to let them sendin me until we reach my house. So, i continued my way back home alone, luckily there's no dogs wanderin around, thank God, lastly, what i can say for lastnight it was kinda enjoyin and adventurous night when otw back home, fuhhhh :D