Venue: from Lot 10 to BB
Date: today, at 15.19 p.m. till 14.20 p.m.
Well, i decided to survey some of new shoes today, so, i asked my dear mum;
ME: mak, hari nie ingat nak survey kasut laa.
MUM: ko nak kasut ape ?
ME: kasut utk jalan2 lah mak, hehe :p
MUM: aha, yela2, pegi siap cepat, dah nak petang ni, nanti 'jam' jalan.
ME: aha, okayokayy :D
* Then, i go rushed out, take a bath and all stuff, haha, LOL :) *
Later, my mum, my bro and I decided to go survey at BB, reaching there, my bro decided to park at Lot 10, easier he said, (actually it's still the same, HAHA !!)
Then, when we arrived BB, i was the one who leads the way, HEHE, at first, we went to al-Ikhsan, well, nothing there that catch my eye, grrr, DARNN (-.-)
After that, i went to the 3rd floor of BB Plaza, as you know, usual place, i bet no one knows boout the shop, only my friends that knows where, muhehehe !!!
You know what, my first reaction when i was there, i was like, " whoaaa, it's freaakkinnn AWESOME man !! " i asked the tauke, how much does it cost for the shoe, and guess what, it was RM 320.00, WTF, HAHA :D

Then we like chatting for quite a short time;
ME: ehh tauke, tade discount kaa ?
TAUKE: discount eaa ? (he's holding his calculator), hmm, RM 300.00 i bg you lah, termasuk free shoe lace.
ME: RM 300.00 ?? Hm, okayy (stunted), aha, nnt i dtg kejap lg bole x ? Mau ajak abg mari sini, oraitt ?
TAUKE: ouhh, boleh...
* Then, i was like rushing, finding where my bro and my mum was, HAHA ! *
After meeting them, and leading the way to the shop, my bro also like shockingg, and i was like;
ME: haha, gempak kan kasut dia ??
HIM: smart doee, zaman aku tade nie..
* Then, i was laughing non-stop, HEHE :p *
After few minutes at there, sadly, i don't get to buy it, haha, too bad for me, geezz (-.-)
Then, we rushed back home so that we don't get stuck in the jamm, HAHA !!
Lastly, geezz, i was i can buy that shoe, gahhh, it's totally look awesome to me, grrr, i want it, i want it !!!